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Hannah Nicole Blunk - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Hannah Blunk
Nacido enKentucky
21 years
if tears could build stairway and memory's a lain i would walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.unknown

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Hannah Blunk who was born in Kentucky on March 24, 1990 and passed away on September 4, 2011. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.She was known as a loving and happy women. May she R.I.P in the sky.
Hannah was killed in a car accident and died instantly. she didnt feel no pain.she has a baby who just turned 1 years old,Ava. :(

Recuerdos Recientes
tam tam life of memory's... January 7, 2012
I remeber when i was little Hannah would always be at my house! she was always smiling and dancing around with us. one day i was at her house and me,Hannah,and her little sis we all danced and acted crazy! cant forget those times in life. 

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Taylor Renfrow My Memories with Hannah. January 3, 2012
My fondest memory with Hannah is when she was stayin' at the house. I was about 7 years old so she was around 12-13. & we were outside on the back swing & it was dark. & i said "Hannah im scared." She said "Of what?" I replied "Dontcha know there's coyetes in the dark?" & she said "Silly let me tell you somethin. If theres more of you than them they wont bother you. There's me & you so if one of em' come out then we can take em if they bother us." Haha. & one time at my Grandma Barbs when Hannah & Holden came to the dinner they were havin' everyone was out catfishin' & me & Hannah was sittin' on the tailgate. Holden & them hollered for us at the pond & so Hannah said "C'mon Tay. Let's go see what they want!" & i said "Alright! Let's Run. I'll beat you!" Hannah said "Ha i Cant! My Boobs will be in my face!" Haha. She always made me laugh & never failed to keep a smile on my face. We always sat in the livin' room with my dad, Vollie, and played babies & house. She was always the older mom & the prettier one to. Hannah is never gonna be forgotten. I love you Hannah Nicole Blunk & i always miss you. I'll see you in Heaven.
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