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Hannah Blunk
Né àKentucky
21 years
Les Mémoires
tam tam life of memory's... January 7, 2012
I remeber when i was little Hannah would always be at my house! she was always smiling and dancing around with us. one day i was at her house and me,Hannah,and her little sis we all danced and acted crazy! cant forget those times in life. 

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Taylor Renfrow My Memories with Hannah. January 3, 2012
My fondest memory with Hannah is when she was stayin' at the house. I was about 7 years old so she was around 12-13. & we were outside on the back swing & it was dark. & i said "Hannah im scared." She said "Of what?" I replied "Dontcha know there's coyetes in the dark?" & she said "Silly let me tell you somethin. If theres more of you than them they wont bother you. There's me & you so if one of em' come out then we can take em if they bother us." Haha. & one time at my Grandma Barbs when Hannah & Holden came to the dinner they were havin' everyone was out catfishin' & me & Hannah was sittin' on the tailgate. Holden & them hollered for us at the pond & so Hannah said "C'mon Tay. Let's go see what they want!" & i said "Alright! Let's Run. I'll beat you!" Hannah said "Ha i Cant! My Boobs will be in my face!" Haha. She always made me laugh & never failed to keep a smile on my face. We always sat in the livin' room with my dad, Vollie, and played babies & house. She was always the older mom & the prettier one to. Hannah is never gonna be forgotten. I love you Hannah Nicole Blunk & i always miss you. I'll see you in Heaven.
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